Thursday, September 16, 2010

This is my self portrait and it is made out of letters and symbols that you can use on the keyboard. It was accully harder then what i expected it would have been. Making a face out of letters made me think of how i use to draw when i was little.

Monday, September 13, 2010

parity sign

This is my sign that i made in digetal design 1. Two people are chasing afer moose. As you can see the people don't have any guns to shoot. They have spears. It's supose to show that these people are not in the time period that we are in now. We used photoshop to make these signs. We found a sign that we wanted and we made another sign so that we can make our own. I picked the sign that had the moose on it and i made that sign smaller so that i can put the people and the other moose on the sign i have below. I traced the moose onto the sign I have here and made the people.I am happy at the way it turned out. I could have put words on the sign to make the meaning stick out more.