Monday, November 22, 2010

art poster

This is my own art poster that i have made in digetal design 1 with Mr. Manco. This project was kind of easy for me because i love to draw in my spare time. I am starting on tring to do some figure drawing. I thought this was  great thing to do. In my opinion, i would think that HNHS should so some better figure drawings . Some of them are good but not all of them.

Friday, November 12, 2010

cyborg project

This is my cyborg project. this project was made in Digetal design 1. My teacher's name was Mr. Manco. I had fun with this project because i got to see mysenf in a different perspective. Looking like a macanical creacture was really cool. It's just something different.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

This is the design that i made for the bottle cap project. everyone had to use a heart but we were aloud to us any heart. I did this in Digetal Design 1. The teacher's name is Mr. Manco. I chose to do this heart because it describes a heart that is broken. To me its closer to love. It's a red unbroken heart inside a black broken heart around it. Love is never perfect but at times it's a great love. You and your spose is deadly in love but there comes a point in the love that lets the heart to be broken.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What's on your mind

This is my opion of wat's on my mind. I love the ocean and the creachers that live in it. This project was in Digetal design 1. My teacher's name was Mr. Manco. He is a great teacher and he does a real good job of teaching me the right way to do these projects.  I got to thing of anything that i could put on my mind.